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Greener governance

Environmental sustainability: the governance role


At a glance

This module gives a broad overview of environmental sustainability, why it matters for schools and trusts, and how you can take action.

You will cover:

your board's role in environmental sustainability
your board's approach to environmental sustainability via the 6 Cs
climate action planning in your organisation
the next steps for your governing board
Study time

up to 30 minutes

Module description

Governing boards can take the decision to make environmental sustainability an organisational priority by identifying it as a key element of their school or trust strategy. In doing so, environmental considerations will then run throughout the organisation’s decision-making and all of their work.

This bitesize module will guide you through the background of environmental sustainability in schools, and why it matters. The module will also enable you to determine some practical next steps for your board, and will provide you with a helpful strategy document and some key questions to ask your board and leaders.

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    Who developed this module?

    Megan Tate
    Megan Tate

    Policy and Research Officer

    Megan’s role involves supporting NGA’s policy, research and information team. She is responsible for policy relating to the environment and sustainability.

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