Anthony Langan

Anthony Langan was elected to the NGA board by members in London in November 2023.
Anthony has experience in primary and secondary school governance in maintained schools and more recently in a multi-academy trust. In his roles he has served across governance in finance, curriculum and community roles and has been a Vice Chair and Chair of Governors. Most recently Anthony, working alongside the Principal and SLT, returned their school to a “Good” Ofsted grading and joined with United Learning in order to secure an “Outstanding” future for the school. He also sits as a Parent Governor Rep on Wandsworth Council’s Children’s Committee providing oversight and scrutiny to council policy.
In his professional life, Anthony has worked predominantly in charities and trade federations, latterly working on public policy development on health issues across the UK, Devolved and Irish Governments. He is currently a stay-at-home father of two and is active in his local community.