Cheshire West Governance Association
Supporting the work of governors, trustees & clerks

Cheshire West Governance Association (CWGA) is a voluntary, independent organisation established to support the work of governors, trustees and clerks in Cheshire West and Chester. We are affiliated to the National Governance Association.
Championing good governance
Provide networking opportunities for our members
Communicate to members
Our aims are to:
1. Champion good governance
- Continued links and open dialogue with the Local Authority at Executive meetings and networking events
- CPD - coach and mentor our members
- Support the local authority and other regional groups by providing guidance about training and advising our members of free training opportunities
- Provide a link between the Schools’ Forum and the Governors’ Forum
- Provide a link with the Cheshire West Education Improvement Board
- Maintain links with NGA
2. Provide networking opportunities for members
- Organise termly governor networking events
- Organise an annual conference
- Maintain affiliated links with the NGA
3. Communicate to members
- Maintain an up to date NGA microsite
- Social media presence
- Encourage feedback from our members
Annual Membership of the CWGA is open to all trust boards and local governing boards, in all categories of educational settings Cheshire West and Chester (CW&C). The annual subscription is £40 per trust/LGB and is payable in September. For further details email
Executive Officers 2024-25
Debbie Tomkinson- Governance Director to Board, Cheshire Academies Trust

Vice Chair
Moira Griffiths-Parr- Governance Professional (NCDP), St.Winefride's Catholic Primary School

Chris Hampshire- Current Chair, Member and Trustee of Frank Field Education Trust

Andrew Canham- Chair of Governors (LA governor and formerly Parent Governor), Elton Primary School
- Chair of Local Governing Body (previously a member of IEB ), St Paul's CofE Primary School, Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
- Parent Governor, Helsby High School
- Co-Opted Governor, Mickle Trafford Village School

Other Executives
Duncan Haworth
- Chair of Local Governing Body, Woodfall Primary & Nursery School, Cheshire Academies Trust
- Governor, The Mosslands School
- Local Governor, Huxley CofE Primary School, Chester Diocesan Academies Trust
- Governor, The Observatory School
- Trustee, Neston High School
- Governor, Ysgol Sandycroft
- Member, Peninsular MAT
- Lay inspector for Estyn inspecting schools in Wales

Zoe Lochlin
- LA Governor, Malpas Alport Endowed Primary School
- Co-Opted Governor, Sutton Green Primary School

Susan Tomlinson
- Chair of Governors (LA governor), Wharton CofE Primary School