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How to: clerk courageously


At a glance

This module will give you an understanding of the role and expectations of the governance professional when it comes to improving the effectiveness of the board.

You will cover:

the role and expectations of the governance professional under the clerking competency framework in improving the effectiveness of the board
common problems and how to use your knowledge, skills and behaviour to clerk courageously and influence your chair or board
when and how to escalate a problem
Study time

30 minutes

Certificate upon completion

Module description

There may be times where you think that your chair or board is not working quite as effectively as they could. As the governance professional, you may need to step up and 'clerk courageously' to influence your board and steer it in the right direction when this happens.

Through the use of interactive scenarios showing common problems and video discussions of possible approaches from two experienced governance professionals, this module will give you an understanding of the role and expectations of the governance professional when it comes to improving the effectiveness of the board and help you to use your skills and knowledge to clerk more courageously.

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    • “I liked the video chats, especially as Erica is a well regarded governance professional. I also thought all the scenarios discussed were relevant. Thank you for providing this module, it was very helpful."


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    • “The video discussions between the governance professionals on each scenario were helpful and engaging.”


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      Who developed this module?

      Erica Wilson

      NGA Consultant

      Erica is an NGA consultant, delivering training and facilitating the Leading Governance development programme for clerks. Erica trained as a local authority clerk and has been an independent clerk since 2013 and has worked with local authorities and academy trusts, developing and delivering training to clerks. She has extensive experience of clerking panels, disciplinary investigations and has served as a school governor herself.

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