Training & Development terms and conditions

NGA Professional Development
Terms & Conditions for NGA Services
NGA: National Governance Association
Partner: The organisation which has chosen NGA to deliver a Service
Service: The Service(s) chosen by the Partner
NGA and the Partner agree that NGA will deliver the service for the Partner as set out in the confirmation of booking email and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Unless stated otherwise, the fee contained in the confirmation of booking email is inclusive of all NGA costs and includes all materials to be supplied by NGA to support the Service booked, and the travel costs of the person delivering the Service. Rates payable are also inclusive of VAT.
The maximum number of delegates per session is as stated in the confirmation of booking email; if this number is exceeded an increased fee will be charged at the rate of £25 per additional delegate (this is to cover additional materials, additional consultant time etc.).
The Partner will make full payment of the fee within 30 days of the invoice date, late payments may be subject to interest; invoices will be raised on booking, or shortly after delivery of the Service and where more than one Service is being delivered over a period of time on a regular basis during the period.
Venue and Facilities
Unless otherwise stated, the provision and cost of a suitable venue (i.e. accessible for those with disabilities and via public transport), plus facilities and room materials for the Service as described in the confirmation of booking email will be the responsibility of the Partner, This will include suitable furniture, a flipchart and pens, writing paper and pens, data projector, electricity supply, and if stated, internet and web access for the consultant and delegates.
Cancellation Policy
Should circumstances arise which mean that the Partner needs to cancel the training session, the following charges will apply depending on the notice given;
- More than 42 days prior to the session: no charge
- 28 to 41 days prior to the session: 25% of fee
- 14 to 27 days’ notice given: 50% of fee
- Less than 14 days’ notice: 75% of fee
External reviews of governance cancelled after confirmation will incur an administration fee of £250.
Where notice of 14 days or more is given, in most cases it will be possible to postpone a session at no extra charge. If less than one week’s notice is given, a charge of 50% of the fee may be made.
Conduct and Standards
NGA Consultants shall conduct and present themselves throughout the training process in a professional, polite and courteous manner.
NGA maintains insurance in accordance with regulatory and industry requirements.
Quality Assurance
NGA quality assures its services and as part of this assurance operates an end of Service evaluation which includes an invitation to delegates to share their opinions of the Service. If a Partner would like copies of the evaluation forms or would like to discuss alternative evaluation, it may liaise with NGA to make suitable arrangements in advance of the Service being delivered.
The NGA operates a complaints procedure to enable a Partner to have redress if NGA has not met its obligations under this agreement. The policy can be found at NGA Complaints Policy.
Copyright ownership
The copyright for the materials used in the delivery of the Service is owned by NGA and no part of the materials may be reproduced in material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of the materials) without the written permission of NGA except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.