Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
NGA's position statement on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Governing boards have statutory responsibilities for pupils with SEND. However, the combination of increased demand for support, cost pressures and reduced capacity within local authorities mean that, for many schools and trusts, the necessary improvements to provision and outcomes are beyond the capacity of boards and their staff.Â
An increase in funding for SEND provision and funding reform is crucial, but schools cannot wait for another long-term review to address the growing gap between needs and resources. The SEND Green Paper identified key shortfalls within the current system and it is NGA’s view that the new government should build on and leverage these findings when developing and implementing their SEND strategy.
An audit of sufficiency of special school places is needed, as is much better training and support for mainstream staff to be able to cope with and meet with ever more complex and diverse needs.