Two-thirds (65%) of school and trust governing boards are now supported by the National Governance Association’s (NGA) expert membership and professional development services, NGA’s annual report of achievements in 2021 shows.
The annual report shows NGA’s activities over the year that contribute to delivering its charitable aims of improving the educational standards and wellbeing of young people by increasing the effectiveness of governing boards and promoting high standards.
Highlights of activity include 62 new or significantly updated resources being added to the Knowledge Centre, the GOLDline advice team handling a 14% increase in queries and the introduction of two new membership benefits – Governance Leadership Forums and Welcome to Governance LIVE. These new benefits are segmented by school type, meaning boards in maintained schools, multi academy trusts, single academy trusts and academies are receiving more tailored content and can network with peers.
NGA’s professional development service goes from strength to strength with a 30% increase in the number of Learning Link users, a 235% increase in the number of training sessions delivered by NGA’s consultants and NGA securing the contract to deliver the reformed National Leaders of Governance support.
The report also showcases NGA’s continued production of information and insight on a breath of governance and education topics, including significant focus over the year on equality, diversity and inclusion, governance professionals and multi academy trust governance.
Lynn Howard, chair of trustees at NGA said:“Our vision at NGA remains firmly centred on our desire to continue to influence, shape and support the practice and culture of school and trust governance. As we look to 2022, we do so with excitement at building upon what we have achieved over the years since 2006, and to further extending the reach, breadth and quality of what we do to deliver that vision of all that school and trust governance can be.”
Emma Knights, chief executive of NGA said:“Thank you to all our members and our Learning Link subscribers for all that you do to support your schools, your pupils and your communities. It is a privilege to serve you in your mission to oversee the best possible education for children and young people. The governance community is more layered that ever before – in terms of the range of shapes and sizes of multi academy trusts and the range of different governance professional roles: we take great care to make sure that our resources are relevant whatever your voluntary or professional role is.”