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NGA responds to DfE strategy on sustainability and climate change for education


The National Governance Association (NGA) welcome a new draft strategy on sustainability and climate change for education and children’s services from the Department for Education, published today (5 November) to coincide with COP26. 

The strategy includes several initiatives including a review of subject specific training for teachers, a new Climate Leaders Award to recognise young people’s climate action, and a commitment that all new school buildings delivered by the Department for Education (not already contracted) will operate at net zero.

The draft strategy will undergo further engagement with the education and environmental sectors as well as young people before the final strategy is published in April 2022.

Emma Knights, chief executive, National Governance Associations said:

“The National Governance Association welcomes the Secretary of State's draft strategy on sustainability and climate change for education and children’s services: this is indeed our chance to do something brilliant with young people to safeguard their future. It is an important first step by the Department for Education in taking the environmental crisis seriously. With our Greener Governance campaign, NGA is encouraging governing boards to step forward and lead this change with environmental sustainability strategies in every academy trust and school. We look forward to working with boards and the Department to make a difference.”

Visit the Greener Governance campaign page to make a pledge and view resources for boards.