Environmental sustainability: a whole school approach
Find out how governing boards can lead positive change and ensure their trusts and schools take action on environmental sustainability.

Schools have a crucial role in achieving environmental sustainability because they help young people understand the world and develop skills and attitudes to live fulfilled lives as responsible citizens.
Governing boards can make environmental sustainability an organisational priority by identifying it as a key element of their school or trust strategy. In doing so, environmental considerations will run throughout the organisation’s decision-making and all of their work.
Our guide describes the features of a whole school approach to environmental sustainability and includes questions for governing boards to ask alongside case studies and practical tips.
The guide covers:
- making environmental sustainability part of your values and vision
- including environmental sustainability in your strategic discussions
- the Six Cs approach – culture, campus, community, curriculum, careers and CPD
- how to lead change
How governing boards can lead positive change
The first step to making environmental sustainability a priority in your school or trust is to get it on your governing board agenda.
Our environmental sustainability information sheet is designed to support initial conversations and to give governors and trustees confidence to lead positive change in this area.