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Governance volunteers invited to share their views in the Annual Governance Survey


Governors, trustees and local academy committee members are being encouraged to complete the National Governance Association’s (NGA) annual survey which opens today (25 April).

The survey is now in its twelfth year and is the only regular, wide scale source of information on the demographic, views and experience of the largest volunteer force in England.

Those governing schools and trusts have a significant knowledge and understanding of education issues as the body responsible for overseeing financial performance, making strategic decisions about their organisation, holding executive leaders to account for the performance of pupils and engaging with community stakeholders.

The findings of the survey are used extensively by NGA and others to represent the views of the school and trust governance community at a national level and to improve the support and guidance available to governing boards. Following the publication of the government’s Schools White Paper and SEND Green Paper, responses will be used to amplify the voice of school governance in consultations on the future of education in England and develop the best governance for the future system.

The survey is open to all governors, trustees and local academy committee members (local governing body members) in state schools in England and is open until Monday 30 May at 9am.

[The 2021 survey is now closed for responses]

Read the findings of the 2021 annual governance survey.