Scheme of delegation development
In a multi academy trust, the scheme of delegation is a key document, providing clarity on decision-making powers and responsibilities for all involved in governance. Our consultants often identify during external governance reviews that schemes of delegation need refinement. This service is offered as a follow-up to an ERG, part of a governance structure review, or as part of our MAT merger service. Our consultants work with you to create a clear, concise, and functional scheme of delegation to support effective governance at all levels.

Our service
Our consultant will work with you to agree on the changes needed to the scheme of delegation and will support with the design and development of this and the terms of reference for each committee. Â
We typically deliver:
- A new scheme of delegation
- Revised terms of reference for committees, as necessary
- Guidance on changes needed to committee agendas
Further support can be provided as a bespoke service to also develop link governor/trustee role descriptions, model governor monitoring questions and reports, agenda templates, board reporting requirements.
Our impact
This service provides the board with expert support to implement changes that will:
- Improve governance impact
- Improve governance compliance
- Improve governance structures and ways of working
Contact us and discover how our consultancy service can elevate your board's effectiveness.