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Equality, diversity & inclusion

Increasing participation in governing boards: recruiting, involving and retaining volunteers

four people discussing strategy in a meeting

Emma Knights OBE, NGA Chief Executive, explores:

  • Why good governance requires diverse governing boards, and how to achieve this
  • Recruiting the right people round the table: promoting your vacancy, targeting under- represented groups and interviewing candidates
  • Inducting governors and trustees: NGA’s step-by-step guide
  • Engaging and retaining volunteers

Although this webinar is very relevant to chairs, vice chairs, governance professionals and school leaders, it is everyone’s business to ensure that a governing board works as a team, covering all bases and welcoming all voices. Emma draws from NGA’s recent report and accompanying guidance, The right people around the table.

Emma Knights OBE
Emma Knights OBE

Co-Chief Executive

As NGA’s Co-Chief Executive, Emma promotes the interests of the school governance community nationally with legislators, policy makers, education sector organisations and the media. Emma is an accomplished writer and speaker on a range of school governance policy and practice topics.

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