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School & trust leaders

A partnership with senior leaders

people in meeting looking across each other  at table

Emma Knights OBE, NGA's Chief Executive explores what governing boards and school leaders should expect from each other, including:

  • The respective roles of the governing board and those employed to run the trust or school
  • What good working relationships with senior leaders look and feel like
  • How mutual trust and respect can be developed and earned
  • The co-construction of the organisation’s strategy

This webinar is particularly useful for governors and trustees who have recently joined a board and for executive leaders starting out in their role. It is part of NGA’s Visible Governance campaign and its focus on senior leaders’ role in governance.

The webinar is not recommended for chairs or experienced governors/trustees. NGA has other resources covering the key relationships between the senior executive leader and the chair, in particular The Chair’s Handbook. The Leading Governance development programme is also aimed at chairs, vice chairs and future chairs.

Emma Knights OBE
Emma Knights OBE

Co-Chief Executive

As NGA’s Co-Chief Executive, Emma promotes the interests of the school governance community nationally with legislators, policy makers, education sector organisations and the media. Emma is an accomplished writer and speaker on a range of school governance policy and practice topics.

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